NOVEMBER 14, 2010
A group song on “Ham Bharat Ke Bachche” (We, the Children of India) by the students of Jeewanshala made the environment for the Students’ Meet of Jeewanshal Programme held at Ravi Das Bhawan, Samalkha on November 14, 2010. Sh. Satish Chauhan introduced Jeewanshala as under:
People placed a demand of education of their children during literacy programme. They said that they had crossed the age of education better think of their children’s education. In response to their demand a Non-formal Education Project was launched at three places in India. Block Samalkha had been the first place of Northern India where this project was taken up. Training of teachers on Non-formal Education brought a drastic change in the value system of trainees. On the one hand it filled them with Junoon (lust) for imparting education and on the other it could transform them as volunteers.
Teachers’ hardwork and dedication had been fruitful. Fifteen to twenty students were capable of appearing in the examination of fifth class. They were brought out to the central office for their residential camp. Fourteen children passed examination of 5th class. This was the beginning and later hundreds of children passed 5th class. Some of them achieved the level of B.A., M.A. Even some children got their technical education with I.T.I. and Polytechnic Institutions. It was decided to arrange students’ meet programme in order to make future planning.
Gyan Vigyan Movement is striving to develop a model of education by doing different experiments. The said model may be able to develop persons who can work for the sake of society, with their deep faith in democracy and become sensitive human beings. We want to create a network by involving schools and other educational institutions which may participate actively for the change of education system locally as well as in the whole state of Haryana.
Next session started with a group song on “Le Mashalen Chal Pare Hain Log Mere Gaon Ke” (People of my village have come up in a torch procession to win over the darkness of illiteracy”. In this session experiences of the students of Jeewanshala were shared. Sh. Bhagat Singh read out his experiences of Jeewanshala. He discontinued his studies from private and Govt. school due to the fear of manhandling by the teachers. After passing his 8th from Jeewanshal he joined Govt. school. He had to leave Govt. school in his 10th class again due the fear of manhandling. He could pass 10th class with the good behaviour of Sh. Ajmer Singh, Headmaster, G.H.S., Biholi. He paid his respect to the headmaster ignoring the fact that he was weak in English, the teaching subject of his Headmaster.
Ms. Kirti shared her experience in following lines:
1. Jeewanshala provided equal opportunities to both i.e. boys and girls.
2. She learnt cleanliness of toilet on rotational basis.
3. One can learn by sitting any where i.e. under a tree, on a roof or in an empty plot.
4. Most vulnerable people to poverty live at footpath.
5. She use to apply the values, she learnt from Jeewanshala, in her private and social life
6. She will write an appeal of help to Jeewanshala on notice board tomorrow.
Her experience sharing was followed by a group song on “Is Liye Rah Sungharsh Kee Hum Chalen” (Let us go on the path of struggle………).
Professor V.B. Abrol said that it was for the first time that he heard such experiences of students and also seen such a relationship with their educational institute. He appreciated their achievements in the field of education inspite of all deprivations. The contentment and attachment seen here hardly be found any where else. We all are responsible for the development and problems we face after our independence. Education had been the last priority with a reason of scarcity of funds upto 60 years of our independence. Now we got the Right to Education with a whole in the basket. It is doubtful that due finance will be provided by Govt. for its implementation. Non-formal Education project was closed by Govt. with the reason unknown. Inspite of closing of the project students, teachers and organizers continued Jeewanshala with the help of community in cash and kind. Two to three hundred children were studying in Jeewanshala on the meager annual cost of rupees thirty to forty thousand. Annual fee of rupees five lakh is claimed by Goyanka School, Delhi. Both schools can not be compared. But Jeewanshala is striving to eradicate inequality in education. Strength of unity learnt here will enable them to fight inequality.
Rohil shared his experiences of education as under:
1. He was beaten by teachers in Mosque. He continued his efforts till he finally escaped from the Mosque.
2. He learnt through play way method in Jeewanshala. He made pictures, sang songs and played educational games.
3. Environment of Govt. school (beating and chanting) made him flee from there and he again joined Jeewanshala. Manhandling in Govt. school always reminded him Jeewanshala.
4. His entire family could be able to study with the help of Jeewanshala.
5. He claimed to get strength to fight against inequality prevailing in society from Jeewanshala. He strongly underlined the need of continuity of Jeewanshala.
Headmaster Ajmer Singh emphasized the need of love to students from schools. Children in foreign countries feel better in their schools instead of their homes. There is no need to make any language or subject make compulsory. Students feel English language a burden and always feel detached. New path may have challenges but nothing is impossible.
Sh. Arun shared his experiences of Jeewanshala in the following lines:
1. He learnt the problems of society. He joined hands with the organization to solve these problems.
2. He passed his 8th class from residential Jeewanshala. Later he joined Govt. school but the school environment was not befitting. He is in B.A. final now.
3. Jeewanshala to be started again. He assured to provide his services to Jeewanshala as a volunteer teacher.
Sh. Braham Dutt Tyagi attended the programme inspite of his preoccupations. Jeewanshala teaches to live the life and formal schooling makes us to cools down and compete. Govt. has to recognize Jeewanshala in future.
This programme followed by a procession in Samalkha on Right to Education from Ravi Das School to Railway Station through main bazaar with the aim to bring the left outs and drop outs to schools. Slogans on education were displayed on banners and also shouted in the rally. Some of the slogans were as under:
1. 10% budget of GDP on education.
2. Education is the key of Democracy.
3. Our school is Jeewanshala.
4. Jeewanshala is the school of all.
5. Jeewanshala is the school of poor.
Though Govt. emphasizes on 100% enrolment in schools after implementation of Right to Education yet in the presence of low quality of education and punishment drop out from schools can not be checked.
Sh. Bhim Singh, Secretary, Haryana Gyan Vigyan Samiti, introduced Jeewanshala at the end of the rally. He said that Haryana Gyan Vigyan Samiti and Bharat Gyan Vigyan Samaiti are trying their best to resume Jeewanshala again.
A procession was held in Samalkha (Panipat) on Right to Education from Ravi Das School to Railway Station through main bazaar with the aim to bring the left outs and drop outs to schools. Slogans on education were displayed on banners and also shouted in the rally.
This procession was mainly carried out by ex students of Jeewanshala with the aim of 100% enrolment children in schools. They appealed the people to enroll their children in schools inspite of their deprivations. Jeewanshala at Samalkha is a centre of Non-formal education for the deprived, left-out and drop-out children. Jeewanshala is the out come of need raised by learners in literacy programme. In the beginning fourteen children passed examination of 5th class. Gradually hundreds of children passed 5th class. Some of them achieved the level of B.A., M.A. Even some children got their technical education with I.T.I. and Polytechnic Institutions. Ms. Kirti uses to apply the values, she learnt from Jeewanshala, in her private and social life. Sh. Bhagat Singh is pursuing his technical education at I.T.I., Panipat after his 10+2 after his humble beginning from Jeewanshala. Rohil’s entire family could be able to study with the help of Jeewanshala. Sh. Arun Kumar, ex student, passed his 8th class from Jeewanshal. He is pursuing his B.A. final year. He wants to be a volunteer teacher of Jeewanshala.
A seminar on “Challenges of Education” was also organized on this occasion. Prof. V.B. Abrol and several other dignitaries were present in the seminar.